Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm sick...again

I can't believe it. Within 10 weeks, I've been off school for 8 days... and counting (and there's been 2 weeks of holidays in there!). I went to the doctor yesterday, hoping she'd say that I had a garden variety cold but it was not to be. She gave me the rest of the week off! So I'm at home, snoozing, coughing, watching daytime TV and, because I have become so accustomed to going through the motions of a virus, I pretty much have spent the afternoon waiting to vomit and am feeling much better for the time being having finally succumbed. Now I just have to wait for the next wave. 

Sorry, too much information.

I'm just SO over being unwell, and I really don't have the time for it at the moment (probably the reason I got sick in the first place). I have Year 11 and Year 10 exams to mark and reports to start writing. And just as I start to wallow in the self-pity of it all, I'm reminded of the sermon I heard on Sunday morning, which was essentially about letting God rule in your circumstance rather than letting circumstance rule your life.  It was a good sermon.

Of course, being sick means that the housework doesn't really get done. Not that Tom doesn't do as much as he can, it's just that housework is generally quite a lot for one person to do.

'My messy life' is once again an apt description of my life.


Louisa Claire said...

sorry to hear you've been sick! hopefully you're getting it all out of the way before the holidays arrive!

Phili said...

Oh poor Glenda!!! I hope the waves of nausea have now passed and that these days off have given you a chance to rest properly and get better. I'm with Louisa - at least this way you should have it all over with in time for holidays :)

Louisa Claire said...

Just a "thought"...waves of nausea?????

Glenda said...

Oh, you're so silly Louisa! But thanks for the kind thoughts!

Louisa Claire said... anyone else notice that you didn't actually deny anything then !!!