Ok, so I have kind of fallen into a blogger land abyss of late. There's been much going on in our lives, which I'll blog more of as it becomes less raw with time. For the moment, we are enjoying being distracted from the freneticness (ok, so I don't think that it really is a word, but it'll do!) of the last month with our new housemate, Juli.
Juli is from Germany and is staying with us for a total of 6 weeks, although one has already passed at lightning speed. Tom and I have really enjoyed this pleasant distraction which has allowed us to go out for more dinners, coffee and shopping than usual! For example, the tops that you can see us wearing in this photo were bought when we popped into Tom's work last Friday, they were on special and the two of us just couldn't resist!
It has been really great to see Juli's knowledge and ability of the English language grow each day. Every day we can see that she understands a little more and has more confidence to use English. It also helps me with my sketchy knowledge of German, the other day when we were out shopping I tried to speak German while Juli spoke English, I still have a lot to learn!
We are looking forward over the coming weeks to show Juli her first surf beach in the flesh, and also some of Australia's crazy's animals. Every day we try to surprise her with something new, generally food, as Tom and I seem to eat of lot of it!! We've also needed to give Juli a few more warm clothes, we think that Australia gets too good a wrap overseas and there's a perception that it never really gets cold here - let me assure you, as we are heading for a minimum of four degrees tonight - it is COLD!! Australian houses were not built to cope with this weather.
Well, that's all from me for today, hopefully I will be able to post more information soon of the great adventures of Glenda, Tom and Juli. xox
Congratulations darling. Love the photo. Eliane will be so pleased (though she is away this week with Jakob and Noah helping her Dad out, who works for the Janz Team).
Keep enjoying yourselves and kicking up those heels. That's what life's all about.
Lovingly, Mum xo xo xo xo
That's a great picture...you both look like fashion models in your new clothes!
How wonderful to learn to speak a new language - you should be very proud.
I love your mothers last sentence about kicking up your heels - good advice!
Thank you so much Glenda for this information and a post that is dedicated to me! I feel honored I must admit! Thank you so much for making the trip to Australia so special to Juliane - I'm so happy for her that she can stay with you!
Also I'm really looking forward to getting to know you around christmas time -you must be one of a kind!
Please send all my love to Juliane - I'm so much looking forward to see her again and listen to her talk about her trip!
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