Here's a grab from an article I found on him (from
"Dennis Lillee was the most accomplished and consistently hostile fast bowler of his time. At his peak no one was faster, more competitive, more menacing or resourceful. By his career's conclusion Dennis had claimed a world record 355 test wickets and had become an Australian sporting legend. There is strong support among senior cricket officials, players and the media for the contention that he was the greatest Australian pace bowler of any era."
Pretty high praise huh? Tom had the pleasure of asking him whether he thought that Tate and Watson would make a good opening bowling line-up for Australia in the future (he did) and even got an autographed card saying "To Tom, keep enjoying your cricket, Dennis Lillee".
Sorry to those of you who still have no idea about what I've just said. But it's a funny thing isn't it? The idea of meeting one of your all-time hero's. Somebody who has so impressed you with their sporting ability or writing or singing or acting or who knows what else that when you meet them you want to immortalise that moment. Tom had been thinking about what he wanted to ask Dennis about the future of Australian cricket, but haven't we all thought at some stage, I'd love to know what this person thinks of that idea, and yet so few of us get to actually do it. On the other hand, what must it be like to be the person who influences others to that extent? But then again, don't we all? It's a sobering reminder again for me, as I think about my role as a staff member and leader/mentor for students at Melbourne Uni of how much influencing I'm probably doing and yet not realising that I'm doing it. I thank God that it is he who is working through me to enable me, because if I were doing it without Him, I'd probably so often choose what suits me best and brings me glory, rather than God.
Who are your heroes?
Great photo! Great post Glenda. Will have to think about who's my hero and let you know!
Tait and LEE! Watson should never be mentioned when talking about sporting legends, just wanna-be hacks. But thanks for finally putting me on your blog!
Sorry Tom, I knew that it was some blonde-haired cricketer and you weren't home to ask at the time!!
Another picture please Glenda! I know you've been doing lots of things lately - no pressure though!! Love you so much, my darling daughter and am missing you all very much. Just need a big hug and kiss from all of you.
Your loving Mum xo xo xo xo
Have a great weekend my darling Glenda and Tom.
Love, Mum xo xo xo
Hey Glenda!
It's been ages since you've updated... You must be flat out! I'm waiting to hear all about the AFES Women's Conference!
T xx
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