Wednesday, February 21, 2007

An Extrovert Living an Introvert's Lifestyle

My apologies for a severe lack of blogging of late. No excuse really as I've been at home more than I would usually be with uni only going back next week. I've been spending large amounts of time at home working on my own as Tom has been working his second job binding books at Swinburne Uni. I've been thinking about what it was that was sobering my mood of late and came up with the title for this blog "An extrovert living an introvert's lifestyle". You see, I would not normally choose to spend 8 hours on my own, let alone more than once a month! So the past few weeks have left me like a fish out of water - kind of limp!

But tomorrow marks O-Week, a full day of on campus work. Chalking, meeting new people, catching up with old people and a general happy extroverty kind of vibe. (And a free lunch because there's a CU BBQ!) So hopefully this will wake me up from my dazy time of trying to live like an introvert, ie. reading books, sending emails and generally enjoying space, give me people and lots of them in all their fullness, then maybe I'll wake up enough to start blogging again (what an introverted thing to do!)


Louisa Claire said...

Wohoo!!! You're back!! We welcome you with open arms & look forward to hearing about the CU adventures. I know I could just call you but blogging is just so much fun!!!

Gaynor said... did the extrovert fair on a busy Thursday. Hope you had a great day darling.
Off to bed now or I'll lose my slipper!
Love Mum xoxoxoxo