This is some of the boys playing a strange version of cricket in the pool.
This is me trying to take a snazzy shot with the night vision on the camera, as you can see, I need a tripod.
Yet through all this I didn't seem to get a picture of Tom, so here's one I took tonight! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Wow! What a FEAST! Both of the blogging type and the eating type. YOU GO GIRL! It was worth waiting for! BUT keep it up. I love it. What a way to start my morning. Maybe Tom was even speaking to us on the phone when you took the photo. Love you both ever so much, Mum xoxoxoxo
Yes, it even sounded like a fun celebration on tht phone! ha, ha :)) Hope your housewarming was also a blast... really looking forward to seeing your place in the flesh, too... We had a great Australia Day flavoured girls night, but we had so much fun that we forgot to take photos... mmm bummer. I'll just have to paint a picture in words...
Can't wait to see you Bliss, feels longer than a mere 5 months,
stacks of love & Tschuss J <><
time for a little update don't you think? What about some news from the Yarra and perhaps some pics too?
Yeh, anyone would think this chick was busy! I mean, doesn't she lead the most boring life?
Update please darling! Not that I'll be able to read it over the next week, but it will give me something to look forward to!!!!
Your dear Mum xoxoxoxox
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