Monday, January 01, 2007

For Phili (who loves irises)

It's so lovely to have a garden, but I have been quite concerned about the beautiful white irises on the path to our door. This is why...

They just didn't seem to be flowering. Anyway, we got a bit of rain on Sunday morning and when we arrived home they looked like this...

I have no idea why they decided to start flowering or how they did it in a few short hours, but I will enjoy them all the same. Isn't creation great?


Phili said...

That's amazing!! Thanks for a special post just for me :) P xx

Gaynor said...

We in Schopfheim are very impressed. BUT, are they really irises????? The stem looks too weak to be an iris. Hope I'm not going to disappoint you. They could be plain old wild and weedy 'watsonia' that we used to have at Panton Hill on the edge of the bush! See what the experts in the Hanslow Family have to say!!
We are all in 'recovery' mode on this New Year's Day and the weather is very conducive to staying in one's pyjamas (without husband objecting - how about that Glenda). Joce and I will have a bath soon (at 3.30pm).
Love always, Mum xoxoxoxo

Glenda said...

Yes it's definately an iris. I googled it. I also picked a few yesterday and put them in a vase and they really DO look like white irises. Should put up a picture of them in a vase then you can see close up!
Love G

Gaynor said...

Good for you. A research girl!! I love it. Glad you were able to pick a few and enjoy them in a vase. That's always special. With my love, Mum xoxoxox