Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Muscle Work

While I know that going to the gym this past 8 or so months has been very helpful in giving me some beautiful definition in my arms (no picture, shouldn't boast too much!) I think I've found something that's just as good for all round toning and definition of those arm muscles that seem built by God to be flabby.

It's called "Moving House"! Weekly routine could involve:
- packing and moving boxes
- vacuuming those "hard to reach" corners
- scrubbing the floor with disinfectant
- reaching for those cobwebs in far corners
- getting into the grouting in the shower (my personal fave)

So girls! If you want to get some definition, just move house! It does wonders for the muscles.

(Ok so there may be a note of sarcasm in my tone here, just in case you didn't pick it up. But the house is starting to look cleaner and emptier and moving date is fast approaching!)


Gaynor said...

Wow! Ya just gotta go girl! Sounds awesome (note my cheering from the sidelines!). You know, it's funny, but I just don't miss it one little bit.
Your darling Mother xoxoxox

Phili said...

I always remember you Ridley's as being great cleaners! How exciting that you're going to move into YOUR OWN house!!! When's the big day? How soon am I allowed to come visit?!

Glenda said...

Settlement is the 15th of December and moving date is the 16th. Of course, if you're from interstate or overseas you can come anytime you want!!

Joce said...

Good on you Sis - I've seen the BEST housewarming present for the littlest room in the house, but you probably wouldn't approve & its not cheap, so I'll have to think about it a bit more. You'd probably be the only house in Nunawadding to have one though...
Best wishes for the move
CFNB xo :)

Gaynor said...

Can't wait to read your next blog! You must be doing so many interesting things at the moment. Wish I was there to have a chat and join in! Love you heaps, Mum xx