Friday, September 29, 2006

The quietness of mornings

Ok, ok, so it's actually 9:22am precisely, but I'm on holidays and Tom has been sleeping poorly so I've left him to sleep away and got my breakfast and so am now sitting at the computer in my dressing gown with my toast (with nutella - thanks Joce) and juice. So anyway, as I'm sitting here listening to the hum of fish tank water filter, I've been pondering on the beautiful quietness and solitute of mornings that are not filled with the insanity of constantly needing to do stuff. I rarly get up these days and get time to be still and reflective, it's always up and out the door. So even though our house does need to be both cleared of junk and cleaned at the moment, I'm just enjoying this morning that I can be thankful for all the mornings that God gives so graciously to us (and the fact that it's currently cloudy but I live in Melbourne so by midday I should be able to get some washing done when the sun eventually decides it's time to shine). Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (that's the water filter)

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