Christy (my sister in-law), kindly curled my hair for the evening and put it up for me!
Tom and I also did quite well out of the evening and went home with a cut of beef that would have been at least 30cms by 20cms (you would have been proud Mum!) and today we cut it up and distributed it amoungst the melbourne uni staff team, we had to get rid of it before the smell was going to take over the fridge so much that we'd never get it out! It was overpowering this morning when I got out the milk for breakfast and I can't say that I enjoy being able to smell half a cooked cow at breakfast time!
You look beautiful! What fun to get to wear your bridesmaid dress! Which one did you borrow from?
It's Jocelyn's dress. I also wore it for Tim and Amy's wedding so am getting some good use out of it. The boning started poking through though, which was a bit uncomfortable!
The dress really suits you. And what about that smile. Worth a million dollars. Hope you enjoyed the BEEF! What I wouldn't do for a bit of beef. Oh well, I suppose I can dream!
Hope you are feeling much, much better darling. You're always in our thoughts and prayers.
Your Mummy xoxoxoxoxo
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