Sunday, May 14, 2006

Work on the Weekend

I'm waiting for our slow computer to print out my bible study for Tuesday afternoon (Mark 16 if you're interested) and thought it had been so long since my last post that I should update while I wait! There's nothing more annoying than doing work on the weekend, but I do it every weekend anyway, so I don't know why I'd bother getting annoyed!

Mondays are so often a hectic day for us that it's almost impossible to get away with not doing work on a Sunday. I still have to finish reading the chapter on "Knowing God" I said I'd do to report back to staff meeting tomorrow - arg! It's about propitiation and gee it just gets my head in a muddle, despite that however, I also know how important it is to get my head around it all and be able to grapple with the issues involved. Six years ago I used to get so frustrated with Christians sitting around talking about the deep issues - now I understand that if I'm not forcing my faith to push forward beyond my simple regions of understanding then my faith won't grow, and I always want to be able to believe bigger things of God - even to the extend that he'll grow my brain to help me understand the tough issues!

All that aside,
Happy Mother's Day Mum!
I love you loads and wish I were able to sit down and share a coffee with you this afternoon, maybe even some cake too! You are a magnificent mother, even from afar. Your never-ending love and support for us is amazing. I love that we are such good friends and thank God for the last few happy years we spent "hanging out" at home when I was at uni. You are and always will be an inspiration in my life - I love you, your daughty xox


Gaynor said...

Darling, here I was reading your inspiring post and thinking to myself "this is my beautiful daughter growing in our Heavenly Father" and then wammow....a photo of me and a gorgeous message from you. Aren't you just something else. Boy, I love you so much. And the flowers that arrived yesterday. You sure know how to make a Mother cry. I've been okay up till now. Stop being nice!!
I am so proud of you darling. Your loving Mum xo

Anonymous said...

Your mother is a really mature cunt.
If I were your friend I think I would fuck her.
She should blow my cock every day.
I bet she likes to get it really hard in her ass.
A friend of mine said come on, let's fuck her two while standing, one cock in the ass and the other in the mouth.